Shelby Hurst's Graduate Transcript
Educational Technology
CEP= Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Social Education
Assessment Mild Disabilites
Fall 2016
CEP 803A
Instructor: Dr. Gary Troia
In CEP 803A, we focused on a wide collection of assessments that can be used to identify students with disabilities. For example, we looked at criterion-referenced assessments, curriculum-based assessments, and norm-referenced tests. Then, how we can use the results of these assessments to inform our plans for the next steps of instruction. I administered multiple assessments to evaluate one of my students, who was at risk. Ultimately, I created a thorough comprehensive assessment summary where I gave my recommendations for instruction and services.
Spring 2017
CEP 802A
Inquiry in Special Education I: Mild Impairments
Instructor: Dr. Emily Bouck
In CEP 802A, we concentrated on quantitative and qualitative research methods on the learning of students with learning and emotional impairments. We looked at mathematics and how to design instruction, assess and reflect. This course discussed Concrete Representational Abstract (CRA), Calculator Task Analysis, Book-based math, problem-solving approaches and error analysis. For example, I created lesson plans focusing on the (CRA) instructional approach. I created a case study and intervention plan for a student who was struggling with math and continually reflected on our progress.
Literacy Instruction Mild Disabilities
Spring 2017
CEP 804A
Instructor: Dr. Troy Mariage
In CEP 804A, we covered many different powerful evidence-based intervention processes for teaching strategies, such as self-regulated strategy development (SRSD). I gained a deeper understanding of the role of the RTI (Response to Intervention)/ MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support) Tier 2/3 intervention teacher. Through this course, I developed and created a thematic unit for a kindergarten class. Within the thematic unit I utilized reading and writing strategies to collect, compose, write, edit/revise and publish the works of my students.
Spring 2019
CEP 810​
Instructor: Mary Wever
In CEP 810, I attained a deeper understanding of how students learn, understand and transfer their learning. Thinking about how students learn, we researched TPACK. Through this course, I created my first blog website and began to use Twitter again in a more professional setting. I also took part in my first Twitter Chat and that was an empowering experience that also increased my Professional Learning Network (PLN). I created a lesson plan with a 21st Century Learning lens for my students to express their knowledge in diverse ways and use technology in a collaborative manner to share their thoughts. This course has made motivated to make life-long changes in my classroom and in my practice.
Spring 2019
CEP 811
Instructor: Edith Erickson
In CEP 811, I attained a deeper understanding of how students learn through making, innovating and iterating. I experienced the “maker culture” by repurposing the world around me and exploring old and new ways of designing learning experiences. I chose a technology tool to explore and “make” with; Virtual Reality Goggles. This course pushed me out of my comfort zone with the iteration mindset and with the different assignments we had to complete. I created an innovative experience with my chosen piece of technology for my students in my US History course. I also created multiple videos covering topics like UDL, Intersectionality, Creative Commons/ Attributions and more with all different technology tools.
CEP 812
Summer 2019
Instructors: Brittany Dillman & Emily Stone
In CEP 812, I attained a deeper understanding of using technology with purpose, context and an understanding of the affordances and constraints towards the goal you are trying to meet. Technology is not a one size fits all. I have learned the importance of creating a space where appreciative inquiry, strategic questioning, and making is essential for success in the classroom. The art of questioning was a major focus throughout this class and this pushed me out of my comfort zone. I was given the opportunity to research anxiety in the classroom and how technology impacts social skills in the classroom, then, determine possible solutions for this wicked problem.
CEP 800
Summer 2019
Instructors: Diana Brandon & Brooke Thomas
In CEP 800, I learned about the similarities and differences between outside of school and inside of school learning. I created a theory of learning and engaged with technology tools. I gained a better understanding of experts vs. novices, conditionalized knowledge, automaticity, and fluency. Through this course, I read about the power of habits in the book, A More Beautiful Question by Warren Berger and tried to change one of my own. Habits require​ behavior analysis, sense-making, self-assessment, and reflection on what worked and what needs improving.​
CEP 822
Summer 2019
Instructor: Dr. David Wong
In CEP 822, I attained a deeper understanding of the importance of educational research. I have gained a better understanding of how to research and how to determine quality research. My understanding of impact factor and researching the journal the article was published in will serve me better for the future. Through my research project, I have gained a more holistic understanding of the impacts of inclusion and plan to share this information with my colleagues, administration and other staff members. My understanding of qualitative and quantitative methods will support my data collection processes and being able to identify patterns, variations, and themes.
CEP 820
Fall 2019
Instructors: Dr. Anne Heintz & Marissa Zhu
In CEP 820, we did a deep dive into learning about the affordances and constraints of online and blended learning environments. We explored different course management systems and rubrics to reflect on those online learning experiences. As a student in this course, I reflected on my own learning goals and focused on creating my own blended course learning experience using a system that best supported the needs of the course. This course encouraged me to consider Universal Design for Learning, collaborative conversations, clear expectations, and digital citizenship.
CEP 807
Fall 2019
Instructors: Dr. Matthew Koehler, Aric Gaunt & Brooke Thomas
In CEP 807, I was able to reflect on my work through my journey with the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) Program. I created an online portfolio to cumulatively display my learning and beliefs from the MAET Program. This course provided the opportunity for collaboration with my colleagues to ensure we created the best teaching portfolio that encompassed our strengths, passions and coursework. This course brought everything full circle.