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Showcase of Work

Welcome to my Master of Arts in Educational Technology Showcase! As you scroll through this page you will find artifacts of my work over this past year in the MAET program. My artifacts are organized into three categories, leading and sharing, passion projects, and innovative lesson plans. Throughout the MAET program I have grown as a technology leader and professional, explored passions of my own, and created innovative lesson plans to use in my own classroom. Please click on the image or the title to see the full artifact.

Professional Development
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The technology tool I used was Google Slides. This presentation was used to teach my colleagues and others about 21st Century Learning. I had to learn how to embed videos, text, images, headings, etc. I improved my presentation skills, because I was constantly thinking about my audience. I had to think about how I would engage them, the time frame, the accessibility, etc. I grew as a professional through the creation of this presentation. I feel more confident in my ability to create professional development presentations for my colleagues.


The issue I wanted to learn more about is the impact of inclusion on students with disabilities and without. Specifically, I wanted to look at the social impacts and academic impacts of inclusion. I looked at the impacts for students with and without disabilities because they are who inclusion effects directly. I wanted to learn more about this issue to understand inclusion and its impacts from a holistic point of view. I wanted to be able to share the information I learn with my colleagues, administration, and parents. My goal was to better educate myself on the impact of this practice and be able to knowledgeably share what I find.

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 I learned more about intersectionality and UDL (Universal Design for Learning). It was my first time using Adobe Spark and I found it really simple and easy to use. Using both of these lenses pushes me to be proactive and not reactive. I wanted to make something that could explain UDL and intersectionality to my co-workers at school and also share my reflections on both. I wanted to demonstrate how both these ideas go together and intersectionality is Universal Design for Learning. This video demonstrated my improvement in video making, especially from the Creative Commons video. 

Passion Projects

The presentation demonstrates my abilities with technology and sharing information. I worked hard to be conscious of the wording I used, what information is most important to share and the ratio of words and other modes of displaying information.  It shows my ability in using multiple modes of representation such as audio, video and visuals. This is a passion project for me. It demonstrates what has been a major concern for me personally and something I will continue to try to solve.


I learned to effectively make a screencast video with a new tool. I learned that an ill-structured problem, such as anxiety, requires consideration of multiple different variables at the same time and these variables will evolve over time. I was able to learn about digital tools that could help those with anxiety when presenting in the classroom. It shows my ability to find possible solutions to an ill-structured problem. It also demonstrated my passion for helping students with anxiety in my classroom. As a person who deals with anxiety everyday I have come to understand the importance of support because this epidemic is real.

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I learned about Experience Design through the creation of my dream classroom. I learned that seating, natural lighting, comfort and the color of the walls and floor were very important to my students. This was also confirmed in my research. Through The Third Teacher I learned so many important aspects to think about when designing an experience. This re-design demonstrates my focus on how I can be more deliberate in the planning and decisions I make about connecting space, technology, and learning. It shows I can think critically about space and the way I want my students to experience that space.

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Innovative Lesson Plans

Before the creation of this lesson plan, I researched learning outside of school and inside of school. I read about engagement and technology tools. I kept in mind the learning experience differences of experts vs. novices. I deepened my understanding of conditionalized knowledge, automaticity, fluency, and the importance of transfer. This lesson plan demonstrates my ability to incorporate technology tools and use different tools to encourage engagement. Through this lesson plan, you can see the intentional focus on accommodating a wide spectrum of abilities.

Iron Curtain by The1994JMan. (2010) Retrieved from

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 I learned about Virtual Reality through the form of goggles. VR goggles can be a useful tool for my resource students with disabilities to access the curriculum. This experiences shows my attention to detail and my attention to accommodating all my students in my resource classroom. It also shows that I know how to use VR Goggles to deepen my students’ understanding of the content. I wanted to display my ability to put on the lens of intersectionality and UDL and creating an accessible environment while avoiding stereotyping.

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